I'm not terribly comfortable with the idea of using test weighing, either,
and was glad to see your posting on this topic. My understanding is that a
test weigh (pre/post-feed weigh) is pretty useless unless done on an
electronic scale, and unless done for every feeding over a period of time,
although  I know there are clinics where pre- and post-feed weighings are
done pretty regularly. Perhaps in some settings useful data is obtained.

My gut feeling is that this is more interventional than I like to work, and
that it is very stressful for most mothers. I'm much more comfortable
working with a mother and baby using observation, weight gain over a couple
of days, supplementing or pumping/supplementing where I'm really worried,
and looking at output.

I am interested in hearing from the LCs who find test weighing a useful
tool. I'm always open to learning new things.

Leslie Ayre-Jaschke, BEd, IBCLC
Peace River Breastfeeding Clinic
Peace River Alberta, Canada