I can't find any mention of Ritalin (don't know any other term for this
drug) being used by a nursing mother in my sources. The child is 2 1/2 and
nurses a few times a day.  I know, I should go buy that red book!!!!
Perhaps Santa will put it under my Solstice tree.

Can anyone help me in the meantime?

Sue Ann Kendall, mother of two small boys, editor, La Leche League Leader
LLLI World Wide Web Coord.,  LLL of Ill. Dist. Advisor, Champaign, IL USA
East Central Illinois Breastfeeding Promotion Task Force Chair, 1995-6
List Maintainer, La Leche League On Line        ([log in to unmask])
[log in to unmask]                        http://www.prairienet.org/llli/