Hi, Tom. I agree with your concerns. I believe that one person heard that
cabbage was used for sore nipples, and has since been "set straight" ;-)
by several other lactnetters! Just wanted to say that a) there are a
couple of articles that do officially address the use of cabbage for
engorgment/swelling, and that b) I have a protocol of cutting holes in
the middle of the leaf so that the nipple itself does not have direct
contact with the cabbage. I suppose that if we wanted to be more safe, we
could also direct mom to cover nipples with a small pad, perhaps taped
down with ouchless tape, to avoid exposure?  Your concerns certainly seem
valid for broken, wounded skin, but for intact skin of an engorged
breast, the risks appear to me to be much lower.  What do you think?

Lisa Marasco, BA, LLLL, IBCLC
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