While I did not experience hot flashes or sweats postpartum, I *did* get
the worse chills of my life about 3 weeks after the birth of each baby.
It usually hit in the evening, after the fog came in during the summer,
or when I got up to take care of baby in the middle of the night. I've
never experienced anything like before or since, but they were very
violent! I would have to bundle myself thickly in covers, and could not
tolerate the least movement of the bedclothing lest a stirring of cold
room air hit me. I would cling to my husband for warmth if he was
around.... and I couldn't get out of bed again for hours. This postpartum
effect lasted several weeks, and to this day I get the "willies" when I
feel the semblance of a chill coming on. I asked my doctor about it, and
he only associated the chills with illness or infection, which I knew I
definitely didn't have. I chalk it up to hormones, and yes it did
gradually fade, thank goodness!

Lisa Marasco, BA, LLLL, IBCLC
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