From Sue Huml, LLLL, IBCLC
I need your help with an exact reference.  Time and again I have seen the
sentence " It has been estimated that $29M would be saved annually in the US, if
women receiving supplemental formula from the WIC program would breastfeed for
one month."  Have even checked with LLLI's Center for Breastfeeding Information
and though LLLI has used this figure in information sheets etc., they cannot pin
it down! I heard that this figure came from a study conducted by the American
Public Health Association but do not know where published or when.  Also, have
heard rumors that this figure may now have doubled since it was first reported
(8 yrs ago?) but again no study or data to back it up.  My understanding is that
that $26M figure is formula costs alone and do not include added cost for
medical bills etc.,
I am also trying to find out how much money WIC allocates to the purchase of
formula/ABM .... for a week, nationwide in the USA.  Are there figures for this?
If so, would the figures include formula manufacturers discounts and store
rebates etc.?   Any help you can provide on this is greatly appreciated.

Bright sun but chilly in a Chicago suburb.