Once our hospitals are Baby-Friendly, a next step would be for WIC
benefits to kick in only after mom and baby get home.  Parents who chose to
bottle-feed would have that choice, and could bring their
favorite brand to the hospital with them.  Otherwise, no one is going back
to work that first day, so moms would be expected to nurse or to buy
their own (a minimal expense, surely).  Mothers on the fence might be won
over by the best salesmen around - the babies - and at least a lot more
babies would go home with a little colostrum in them.

There was a delivery at our hospital at which the baby - who was to be
bottlefed - came out clearly cruising for a meal.  The nurse's comment was
simply, "Well, he's hungry right now.  What are you going to feed him?" -
said in a room without bottles.  He latched on... and went home
breastfeeding.I'm sure you all have similar stories.

Diane Wiessinger, MS, IBCLC, LLLL  Ithaca, NY