Last year, I cared for a pregnant patient who had Hep C.  She had always
planned to breastfeed, so I researched the safety of moms with Hep C nursing.
 By the time she delivered, I was able to present her with a short file of
articles on the topic.  (I can supply the list next week when I get back to
the office.)
     The most important factor in this mom's decision to breastfeed was
information from infectious disease specialists.  I spoke with two, who both
said that if the child did develop Hep C there was no way to know that it
hadn't been acquired during the birth process.  Based on this, they saw no
reason to deprive the infant (and the mom) of the benefits of breastfeeding.
     Last time I heard from her, the mom was still happily nursing her baby.

Donna C. Caron, OGNP, IBCLC