I just recieved a new copy of the Pleasant Company's (those historical
dolls that are so popular) catalog.   I read it with a jaundiced eye (I
wasn't breastfed, obviously  :) ).  When I got to the back, there was the
1st 2-page spread of the Baby Doll (whatever they call it), in all
different colors, each with a Teddy Bear.  That's all, just babies and
teddies.  Then I turned the page, and that 2-page spread  had all sorts
of extra paraphenalia for dolls, solid foods, furniture, clothes, etc.
NO BOTTLES at all.  Then I turned the page and the next spread had 2 sets
of stuff with bottles in it, and lots of other stuff.

I believe that this is probably an improvement, of 6 pages of baby
things, only 2 contained bottles, and they were facing each other, so it
was only one exposure, if you understand me.  Given our culture, the fact
that this company wants to make money, and that kids want the bottles,
we're doing better!  I was really pleased to see that the first two
spreads contained no bottles at all, even on the high chair tray with the

Now if they would just give out a book with the baby and teddy, showing
moms nursing, with older sibs nursing their dolls...

Colleen Humphreys