The article about breastfeeding and immunities in the December issue is
*really* interesting and informative, so I contacted the magazine for
permission to duplicate it for use in my inservices with nurses, med
students, and residents--strictly for educational purposes, in a non-profit
setting.  Unfortunately, the magazine's policy is to authorize no more than
100 copies of an article, at a cost of $3 per copy, for such use.  Needless
to say, my boss was not willing to cough up that kind of money.  I realize
that publishing a magazine is a business enterprise, and I could understand
charging if the request was from someone planning to include the article in a
packet at a money-making event, but I was taken aback at the cost for
educational, non-profit purposes.  Is that common?  (I've been writing the
handouts I've used in the past.)

Judy Dunlap, RNC, BA, IBCLC