I am working with a mom who is gradually tapering down her 2 daily doses of alprazolam(xanax).

She had been taking this and wellbutrin thru pregnancy and was told by Internal Medicine Md.that this should be safe thruout BF as well.

Day mom delivered,Peds told her no,not recommended(which is what PDR states)
Mom called internal med. to relay the No by baby's MD and internal med.rescinded her safe and supports Peds based on Peds

If anyone has personal or professional experience with such a situation,cares to share and Has time,please mail me at iquest.

Mom has been given info from LRB(a little red book reference authored by Dr.Hale)and has made her decision to BF avoiding
peak hours and part of the half lives,so about twice a day.

She is currently pumping and dumping a lot,per her decision.

She is an ER nurse,never BF 2 older kids who are in High school.

My last question: What's a good approach to Peds(maintaining rapport and courtesy and respect).Mom has appt next week and I'd
like to at least send him copies of or titles of references I have shared with mom.

Denise FErrell,IBCLC
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