Hi. I am a doctoral student in History at the American University in
Washington D.C. I am doing some work on the history of infant feeding in the
U.S. specifically comparing the attitudes towards breastfeeding between the
two decades 1945-1955 and 1965-1975. I am interested in how the mass media
presented options for infant feeding and the popular culture's reaction to
those options. I have many, many magazine sources, but I am looking for other
representations of infant feeding during these decades on film, T.V. and
 radio. I also need numbers! How many parents breastfed and/or bottlefed? Was
 their a rise or decline in breastfeeding? How great? How small? What do these
numbers say about socioeconomic groups and brestfeeding? I realize that this gr
oup discusses more contemporary issues, but if any ideas come to mind,I'd love
to hear them. Thanks in advance for your time. Karen Trimmer.