Hi Lactnetters!  My name is Diane Bechtel and I have worked in the field of
lactation for exactly 20 years this week, first as a LLLL and then IBCLC
certified in 1987.  I'm married to Denny, a police chief, and we have two
college aged kids, Shane and Sara who both breastfed into toddlerhood.  I am
privileged to work in a hospital as one of two lactation consultants on staff
and have a small private practice in our town.  I also serve on our Healthy
Mothers-Healthy Babies Breastfeeding Task Force, am working diligently toward a
degree in Women's Studies at Indiana U. South Bend, and sell O_T_S_baby slings
on the side!  It's been great fun "listening" to all of you chat since I logged
on and I hope to have something productive to add in the future.  BTW, Sara will
be spending next semester at the U. of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, and
I'd like to make contact with several of you over there (down there?) through
e-mail.  It would be great if she could know a couple more moms while she's so
far away.

Diane Bechtel, IBCLC
Elkhart, Indiana USA