My client who had breast cancer starts chemo today.  Her daughter is 4
months old, and they've endured a very sorrowful weaning.

She is still pumping, to taper off her supply, and would like some good to
come of it.  Is there any place that would be able to test her milk, to
measure the levels of the 3 or 4 drugs she'll be taking?

I'm also wondering if you know anyone who has nursed (without delivering
milk) during chemo - perhaps using a blind nipple shield, or nursing once
a day after her milk is virtually gone.  Do you know anyone who has pumped
to maintain a supply toward future nursing?

I've told her the door that has closed to nursing is a door with a timer on
it and holes through it, and that we can look for the holes if she wants.
But I have no idea what those holes might realistically be.

Diane Wiessinger, MS, IBCLC LLLL Ithaca, NY