My 12/95 issue of "The Lutheran" contained the following column on page 19.
 The "Since you asked" column is a regular feature written by the
husband-wife team of Rev. Norma Cook Everist of Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque,
Iowa and Rev. Burton L. Everist pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in East
Dubuque, Illinois.  The following is the question and their answer that
pertains to LACTNET:
Two young mothers in our church nurse their children during service.  I
reallize how good this is for the babies, but it's very uncomfortable for the
people near them.  The men are VERY embarrassed.  Should not this be done in
<<<Their reply>>>
Christ's incarnation reminds us that our bodies are good gifts.  Even though
society has
made women's bodies into sexual objects, the church does not need to do
so.Certainly, these mothers should exercise modesty, as should we all.  If we
find ourselves
distracted, we can shift our thoughts to the Babe in the manger, who is the
center of out worship and who feeds us all.
  Luther, preaching about the Christ child's birth, said, "God places before
you a Babe with whom you may take refuge.  To me there is no greater
consolation given to humankind than this, that Christ became human, a child,
a babe, playing in the lap and at the breasts of his most gracious mother.
 Who is there whom this sight would not comfort?  Now is overcome the power
of sin, death, hell, conscience, and guilt, if you come to this gurgling Babe
and believe that he is come, not to judge you, but to save."  How fine that
babies are brought to worship!
The Address for people to contact the authors is:
"The Lutheran", 8765 W. Higgins Rd., Chicago, IL 60631-4183

I hope that protcol is OK for sharing the citation here since I have given
complete credit to the authors and the source.  I would think that this might
be handy for those of us who might deal with a mom that has questions about
this.  I know that my wife often discretly nursed in church and I am sure the
majority of people had no idea what occured until my son became old enough to
announce "OTHER SIDE" verbally when he wanted to switch.
*  Jon Ahrendsen, M.D. FAAFP, LLLI Medical Associate   *
*  215 13th Ave SW                                                        *
*  Clarion, Iowa 50525  USA                                            *
*  515-532-2836, FAX 532-2523, Email [log in to unmask]   *