I spoke to a mom tonight - she has a 9 day old girl, the baby is waering ahip
displasia harness for 5 months or so.  The only position she can feed in is
upright straddling the thigh of the mom.

She was a c-section birth planned, the mom had morphine.  She was given only
a one minute expereince with a bottle of sugar water at a day old.

Mom reports really good feedings when baby looks to nurse.  When mom wakes
baby after 3 hours of sleeping per the doctor's orders, baby screams and
screeches and takes 25 minutes to latch.  Mom was worried something was
wrong.  Baby nurses fine with quick latch when baby 'initiates' the feeding.

Weight check today- baby birth weight 5lb 9 oz, left hospital 5 lb 1 ox, now
6 lb 2 oz.


Sharon Terry
Boston area