I am Mary Solberg, IBCLC and RN in a  180 deliveries/month hospital based
lactation program in Olympia, Washington.  I have sons 14 years and 11 years,
both nursed their first year.  In addition to my part time work, my husband
and I own a business in town.  Thanks to the ILCA conference I started on
Lactnet in mid July. I have learned so much---and laughed!  My sons want to
know why nuns recorded the song "Beat Your Breasts" (by the Ovarian Sisters,
sent by Ros Escott).

 I’m hoping those of you in hospital programs can help me with the following:

Our program is in the process of determining the outcomes of our service:
 does having a breastfeeding program make a measurable difference to our
population.  How do you measure the impact of your interventions? What
questions do you want answered? How and when do you ask?  Is the
breastfeeding program considered part of patient care, part of marketing,
part of hospital mission?  How does your hospital view breastfeeding?  By
what standard do you measure success (maternal satisfaction, the baby is
breastfeeding, increased market share,etc.)?

Thanks for putting heads together on this one!  Mary   <[log in to unmask]>