I agree with Sarah.  I too have trouble holding my tongue when moms ask me
questions about weaning.  After several complaints that I made moms feel
guilty, I came to a compromise.  Now I carefully (and tactfully) find out
the whys in case there is misinformation involved, then I explain that
breastfeeding doesn't have to be an all or none deal.  You wouldn't believe
the relief I hear in their voices.  After all, any amount of breastfeeding
is better than no breastfeeding.  I found that when I overwhelmed moms with
the ideal way, they would decide the whole thing was not for them and
totally wean.  Now my new way allows them to be in control and maybe some of
them will find that bf isn't so bad as long as they can "control" it.


         Destiny is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice.
     Debbie Codding, RN   Mother-Infant Unit, Naval Hospital Oak Harbor
        (Whidbey Island), Washington state    [log in to unmask]