Several people e-mailed privately to request a ref. for Bovine IgG and colic
in breastfed infants. I'll just post to the list to save time.   P.Clyne and
A. Kuczycki:  Human milk contains bovine IgG.  Relationship to infant colic?
 Pediatrics 1991, 87(4):439-444.

Salient points:  Bovine IgG has been found to be antigenic in humans.

Mothers of colicky babies had higher levels of bovine IgG in their milk than
the 30 mothers of non-colicky babies in the control group.

Bovine IgG has a prolonged half life.  Short elimination trials of 2-7 days
may not clear all the protein from mother's milk.

Barbara Wilson-Clay, BSE, IBCLC
Austin (priv. pract)