
We have noticed the same phenomenon, but have linked it to the use of Pitocin
(an antidiuretic) which makes for the meaty type of nipples that flatten out.
 What we might be seeing is a combination of induction with Pitocin and the
epidural for which lots and lots of fluid is given.  Mom ends up with a lot
of edema everywhere, but particularly in the breast.  (Look at her ankles too
-- many moms will tell you "they didn't look like this BEFORE I delivered!")

OF course, it doesn't happen with all moms, everyone of us reacts differently
to different medications.  (I just had a cardiac cath, was given 25mg of
Benadryl & 5 mg. of Valium IV prior to going into the procedure room.  Once
in there, I asked when it was going to start working.  The doc said to give
me 3 mg of Versed which they did.  I honestly didn't feel as though it did a
thing -- as I was WIDE awake during the whole procedure, and was even able to
chat with him.  Now if they had only let me have my glasses, I might have
been able to see what was going on!)  kI know a lot of people would have been
out just with the Valium, let alone the other stuff.  So, it takes all kinds.

But, when you see the flat nipples, check & see if the mom was induced
(stimulation with Pit doesn't seem to do quite the same thing, perhaps
because it isn't running as long), and if she had an epidural and for how
long.  The longer the Pit is in and the longer the epi, the more fluid is in
the system, and the more problems they have.

There was a great editorial today in the Chicago Tribune about the decline of
natural childbirth.....

Jan B.