Hi to all you wonderful, caring, lactation specialists.  I tried once before
to introduce myself, but probably sent my message to cyber-space.  My name is
Andrea Herron.  I am a nurse consultant with a specialty in infant feeding.
 I have a masters in Pediatric nursing and have worked with mothers and
children since 1968.  I am feeling very thankful today because for the past 8
years I have had the privelage of working as a lactation consultant-parenting
educatior.  I am lucky to live in a town with a 98% initial breastfeeding
ratio.  My practice is both inpatient and outpatient.  I contract with a
hospital that has a 100 deliveries per month.  We just opened a level 111
NICU. I provide 24 hour, 7 day coverage for the hospital.  Of course I don't
do it all.  I have 2 contract employees to cover weekends and  provide
training courses for the hospital . In the afternoon I see private patients.
 My office is located  in a Victorian house.  I am a provider for many health
insurance companies including Medical.  In my spare time I teach in the UCLA
 Educator program.
I have a wonderful 10 year old son.  Nursed for a year.  He's adopted I made
1/2 his milk.  I am also very greatful for my wonderful husband.  He had
indulged me and supported me in the time I have needed to build a private
practice.  I have become completely addicted to Lactnet and reading about all
the interesting and wonderful work  my colleges are doing.  Living on the
Central coast of California, I have often felt isolated.  Since coming on
line and joining lact-net,  I feel less alone and very stimulated.

Now for my question.  This past week I saw a woman for an adoptive nursing
consult.   She is infertile because of premature menopause.  Is on daily
combined hormone therapy taking both estrogen and provera.  Will this impact
her ability to potentially make milk?
I know that combined birth control pills impact milk production. Will her
daily hormones have the same effect.

Regarding the question about hormone therapy for adoptive nursing.  When I
talk with mothers about hormones I make sure that they have realistic
expectations regarding their milk supply.  I try to emphasize the nursing
relationship.  Any milk production will be a bonus.  So many of these women
have been on intensive hormone therapy for their infertility treatment.  If
they are really insistent about drugs I tell them about Dr. Randall Craig.
 He has developed a protocol to increase induced lactation milk yield.  He
can be reached at (602) 831-2445.

Thanks again friends, for being out there.  By the way I feel it was very
appropriate to advertise Dr. Hale's book.  I have bought copies for our
hospital, NICU and all my staff.
Happy Thanksgiving