As holidays in the U.S. approach, many will be travelling.  I have two
requests to all who will be travelling:

1. Set yourself NOMAIL.  To do this, send the message
                 SET LACTNET NOMAIL         to
                [log in to unmask]

WHEN you return, send a message to the same address as above  saying:
                SET LACTNET MAIL
This will save me mucho headaches, and I will be forever appreciative.

2. Travel safely and come back to your friends on Lactnet. Don't drive
unless you have all your faculties intact, and don't drive when you are
tired.  Life is precious. Take care.

Thankfully yours.

Kathleen Bruce
Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC, LLL Leader
Co-Owner Lactnet, LLLOL, Corgi-L E-mail lists