Hi all you lactnetters out there!
        I was off line for almost a month due to scheduling and family stuff
and have really missed you!
         I would like to humbly request that all words be written out
completely for those of us out there who are not great with puzzles.  I
maintain a list of  abbreviations which I refer to all the time and am
getting better but the first few weeks on the net were torture for me!  All
this ABM, EHM, PID, BM, HM is just making it no fun to read!
        Forgive me if you all like it this way and feel free to disagree.
Just wanted to make the request.
Thanks and all of you in the USA-enjoy the holiday and take time to be as
thankful  for the time off!!
Barbara Leshin-Zucker, IBCLC
Highland Mills, NY