I prefer the name ABM, artificial baby milk to any of the other (though
appealing and humourous, PIMP is the best!) ones.  It says it all right
out, from artifical, which it is, to the fact that it is a sort of milk
for babies to drink...I mean, that is what it is...Imitation baby milk
would be ok too.  (but the initials remind  me of a folk song about IPD's
, the male version of IUD's, never mind the Itsy Bitsy Machine Corp, as
we called the company of those initials in our computer problems sets in
college...).  This term is simple, accurate and not offensive, which is
important.  Actually, some will find it offensive, as it does imply that
it is not REAL baby milk, but since it isn't, we can't say that it is.  I
prefer to call the real thing human milk.  It also has better initials
than breastmilk!

When using any MAC or WINDOWS pc program, use your mouse to check ou;t
the choices in the various menu bars and boxes.  You often find very
useful things right there at your fingertips (like Flashsessions in AOL,
it's right there, we used it the first week, back when AOL was really
small).  Of course another method is referred to (by programmers,  nerds,
etc) as RTFM.  I will paraphrase it as "read the stupid manual".  I
personally HATE reading manuals, and love the Mac because by simply
nosing around with a mouse you can generally find 90% of the features of
a well designed piece of software.  Oh, and select things that seem
useful or intriging.  If it does something dangerous, it'll have a
"cancel" button.  If it DOESN'T have a cancel, delete the software.  I am
a computer hacker graduate of MIT, on a VERY extended maternity leave (5
1/2 yrs and counting), so I expect to understand software, and have
taught lots of support staff (including computer phobes) how to use
various systems, with success.

Colleen Humphreys