For those of you using Macintosh

Use Eudora or whatever your local supplier gives you for email .
Type all messages off-line in the email program or use a wordprocessor then
cut and paste into a new message .
To retrieve messages "splat" M - will ask you for your pass word then
automatically dial out then retrieve messages .
When all messages have been received Eudora saves them in an "in" messages
under the Mailbox pulldown menu automatically .Messages are not deleted
untill you delete them one by one .
Exit Eudora and go to the Control Folder then open "Config PPP" . Once open
click on "Hard Close" and you are offline .
You can then return to Eudora to read your mail off-line .
Note that if you want to re-enter the net you will needto return to Config
PPP and click on open .
Should you wish to archive or save lengthy journals-  Cut and Paste the
text into a wordprocessor  saving them with your own titles.  Save all of
those files to a  disk if you are jamming up your harddrive ie Lactnet .
If you want to get really high tech-  those journals can be searched in the
future through a good database program by key words ...
If you do not have Eudora try to mimicthe overall procedures with whatever
email program you are using . The trick is to retieve them goto Config PPP
to hard close .

For those of you using IBM
Mimic the same actions as for the Mac using windows.

Hope this is of some assistance