
I read with interest your comment on the incomplete knowlege demonstrated by
the home care nurse.  I am in Home Care, and I'm also an LC.  I have been
somewhat concerned about staff nurses making the routine home care visits and
giving breastfeeding advice.  A majority of the information would be good -
but who knows what might be said by an underinformed nurse in the privacy of
someone's home.

Just FYI, I know that NLN is organizing a team of experts to prepare an
appropriate exam for Home Care Nurses in a variety of specialties..  It will
include questions on Maternal Child nursing - and basic breastfeeding, which
information is to be reviewed by "certified specialists in lactation".

That doesn't help your mother (or the next one, or even the one after that!)
But there is a glimmer of light on the horizon.

Donna L. Coe RN IBCLC
No longer snowing, but in a record setting November - over 31" so far