For resources on triplets:
The Triplet Connection, Janet Bleyl, Founder and President, PO Box 99571
Stockton, CA 95209  Phone (209)474-0885  Lots of good resources and support.

"Breastfeeding Twins, Triplets and Quadruplets" was published by the Center
for                                 the Study of Multiple Birth, Suite
463-5, 333 E. Superior Street, Chicago, IL 60611   (312)266-9093  Send or
call for current publications list and prices.

Twin Services has a handout on "Supertwin Management: Triplets and More"
and other helpful handouts for twins that can also apply to triplets.
P.O. Box 10066, Berkeley, CA 94709  (510)524-0863

M.O.S.T. (Mothers of Supertwins) P.O. Box 951, Brentwood, N.Y. 11717-0627
(516)434-MOST  (I am not as familiar with this group.  They have a newsletter).

Books on twins like Elizabeth Noble's Having Twins have information on
triplets too.  I love Karen Gromada's Mothering Multiples.  It is mainly on

That's a start, anyway.  My family is yelling for their dinner!  Have to go.
Anne Altshuler, RN, MS, IBCLC and LLL leader in Madison, WI