I am writting this in regards to the post on infants who are allergic to
cow's milk that is trasmitted through their mother's milk.

My daughter was violently allergic to even the smallest trace of cow's milk
in my milk.  I made the necessary eliminations, and after a few other
adjustments, life was pretty good.  Because of the experience, I collected
alot of information on the subject, but I am not sure exactly what you are
looking for.

I just want to add this speculation:  I suspect that cow's milk allergies are
even MORE prevalent than any of us know yet.  Maybe it's just the babies that
I see in my little part of the world, but there seem to be alot of kids with
the "classic" symptoms.  My guess is that it very often goes undiagnosed for
a variety of reasons.

Regards, Anne

Has anyone else been enjoying the moon these past few nights?  *WOW*