1. still feeling like a novice at this online stuff. Thanks to someone for
telling me how to save mail to a disc. Can someone tell me a faster way to
save all mail so I can read it from another program. The digest are so
frequent, that when I catch up on them, I'm spending hours on line. $$!!
2. any suggestion on meds to induce milk supply in adoptive mom. Baby due in
about 1 month. Plans to use SNS and is considering metochlopromide after baby
arrives, but wants info about simulating pregnancy with meds and how that
would work.
3. Have mom with clear yeallow fluid oozing from nipple (just 1 side) which
is forming a scab, dries against bra and then pulls off scab. is brf 4+year
old about 1x per night usually only on one BR. Denies pain but admits to
tenderness in afected BR. Has not BRF on affected side for 1-2 weeks now.
Child first noticed scab and brought it to mom's atten. Has always had flat
nipples, now nipple on affected side is "prominent". Have suggested routine
things for sore nipples, but does anyone have any idea of possible causes?
mom is unable to hand express any milk from affected br.