The biting baby is now something over 6 weeks old and - lo and behold -
things are better.  I just got an e-mail from the mom saying that he
chomps less, and it's bearable.  Since he tends to chomp when he's not
hungry, she's using a pacifier for comfort sucking.  And she uses a bottle
when she's worried that he *may* chomp.  But he's nursing about every 1
1/2 hours and things sound much improved.

I learned a lesson about offering options, I think.  My plea brought in 4
very plausible causes from 4 names that I put right up there with the
gods, and 4 reasonable feeding methods/solutions as well.  That's 16
choices, all of which made sense to me.  My skills, background, and
experience don't begin to match the people who helped, but selecting one
path and following through was easier on the mother than a patchwork
approach.  I guess it's more important to be patient and empathetic than
it is to be right.  Time and love are terrific healers, and although I
know I'll keep trying for quick fixes, I'm going to write myself a note
not to worry so much.

Diane Wiessinger, MS, IBCLC, LLLL  Ithaca, NY  [log in to unmask], who
nonetheless will sleep better tonight, knowing that the Biting Baby is
biting less.