>Have any of you heard anything about a survey sent out by a group called
>Research Institute of Mother and Child Care based in Columbus, Ohio. One of
>the RN/Lactation Specialists at our hospital here who has a 6 month old just
>received a survey from them and is curious to know more about this
>If you'd like you can e-mail me privately or answer on Lactnet to enlighten
>us all.
>Catherine Tapey, IBCLC
>Anchorage, AK
>([log in to unmask])
        I just got a survey in the mail (complete with a dollar bill :),
probably the same one.  It didn't mention anything about formula or baby
food although it did ask which bottles I've used.  Seemed to focus on bath
and diaper care products.  Did not at all mention or endorse any product.
There were no product company indications at all.
        So I filled it out and kept the dollar.  :}


         Destiny is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice.
     Debbie Codding, RN   Mother-Infant Unit, Naval Hospital Oak Harbor
        (Whidbey Island), Washington state    [log in to unmask]