
There was a lot written last year about this for both sides.  Two articles of
interest are:

Sclerodermalike esophageal disease in children breast-fed by mothers with
silicone breast implants. Jeremiah J. Levine and Norman T. Ilowite. JAMA,
Jan19, 1994 v271 n3 p213(4).

Silicone implants and esophageal dysmotility: are breast-fed infants at risk?
(Editorial) Jonathan A. Flick, JAMA, Jan 19, 1994 v271 n3 p240(2).

Apparently if the implants rupture, the silicone can get into the breastmilk
and the baby. If you don't have access to these please e-mail me and I can
send them to you.

Diane Karnback, LLLL
Virginia Beach