The Centerfor Breastfeeding Info at LLLI lists the following on its 1995 fact
sheet. I can fax you or whoever a copy, call me at LLLI at (708) 519-7730
ext. 205 tomorrow or (309) 467-3647 tonight. The doc could also call the CBI
or talk to our medical associates.

Preoperative fasting time for breastfed children is shorter. Breastfeeding
may continue until 3 hours before arrival time at the hospital in healthy
children having elective surgery.

Schreiner, M.S. Preoperative and postoperative fasting in children. Ped
Clinics N Amer 1994; 41(1):111-20.

Three hours appears to be a reasonable fasting interval before surgery in
breastfeeding infants.

Litman, R.S. et al. Gastric volume and pH in infants fed clear liquids and
breast milk prior to surgery. Anesth Analg 1994; 79:482-85.