I have a question to pose to the group to see if any of you have ever heard
of or experienced a similar situation. The OB/GYN didn't have any explanation
for this.

I am 13 weeks pregnant and still nursing my 28-month-old daughter (before nap
and bedtime, and 2-3 times at night for short periods). Everything had been
fine until last Wednesday, when I began bleeding, what seemed to be quite a
lot of blood in  my panicked state. The OB sent me to the hospital to be
check out (it was 10:30 PM). I kept bleeding while I was there, but only when
I went to the bathroom.

The nurses were able to obtain a fetal hearbeat, strong and regular. I went
to the OB's office the next day for an ultrasound: baby was expected size,
placenta proper size and position, strong regular heartbeat, baby moving.
Still having a small amount of blood upon using restroom.

I checked to verify the blood was from the vagina. It was. I finally realized
that the bleeding pattern (only upon using the restroom) followed that of my
periods. The odor was also a menstrual odor. Blood was bright red at the
beginning. Now has tapered down to small amounts (upon wiping) of darker
brown matter.

From my reading, I'm thinking maybe I'm just experiencing a period even
though I'm pregnant. It is right around the time when one would have been
due. I did not have this problem with my previous pregnancy. Oh, there has
been no cramping at all.

Does anybody know if there is a change in hormones around the end of the
first trimester that could be exaggerated or decreased by the BF, triggering
the period symptoms? Also, does anybody have any data that would indicate
whether or not I should initiate weaning because of the bleeding? I would
really rather not, but I will if it will influence the fetus' safety.

My OB has not put me on bed rest, but said to "take it easy and no sexual
intercourse." She couldn't tell me why I was bleeding, but she said the baby
seemed healthy and she didn't think there was a problem. I go back to see her
on Thursday for my regularly scheduled appointment.

Thanks for any help, information, or advice anyone is able to give me. I am
so glad this resource is out here. I've learned so much from all of you since
I've been reading LactNet!

Amy Shelton (Huntsville, AL)
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LLL Leader and Future LC (hopefully)