I also want to extend my deepest sympathies to my Israeli friends on the loss
of such a friend to peace.  Please also include the Bosnia Peace Talks (which
are being held right here in Dayton) in your prayers as well.

Anyone wishing a new view of our culture will enjoy reading "Ishmael" by
Daniel Quinn.  In some essays that Kathy Dettwyler received from him, he
details the basic "system" in societies that live in harmony with the earth
as : Give Support - Get Support --etc....  He shows the words in a circular
form which I adapted to include the earth with the words going around it. (I
have added this to my 3-legged stool speech).  I see our common support of
each other (through Lactnet) and the support we give (to others) as
increasing global harmony and sowing the seeds of peace for the future.  Just
as enough drops of water make an ocean, the efforts of all of us in
empowering mothers to nurture and nourish babies and children will create a
revolution of peace and caring.  This is my vision.

Peace to all,
Martha Brower RD LD IBCLC