Hi everyone,

My children have been watching that "childrens' " TV channel for a while this
morning.  You can tell that the Holidays are coming around.    Has anyone
ever noticed all the baby doll commercials?  They all come with pacifiers,
bottles, food, spoons...  Are we orally fixated or what!  What seeds do you
suppose are being planted here?  No wonder breastfeeding doesn't seem like
the norm.  For years little girls have grown up putting  bottles in their
doll babies' mouths!

Wouldn't it be wonderful to see a commercial for "Breastfeeding Baby".  She
comes with a baby sling and all you have to add is your love!  Of course I
know it wouldn't sell.  Too weird!

Personally my babies have breastfed all their baby dolls.  Even though I have
a home day care and they see babies having bottles they still prefer to nurse
their own.  It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside to know they know what
is best.

Anyone else have strong (or other) feelings about this?

Diane Karnbach, LLLL