When a
>breastfeeding mother is a victim of food poisoning, is it OK for her to
>continue breastfeeding? Your input on this will be valuable to me. Thanks.

There are many different types of food-borne illness.

Sometimes it's a safe guess which organism is responsible, depending on the
circumstances and etiology of the illness.  Sometimes it can be narrowed
down to a few of the more common possibilities.

Some of the bacteria, or their toxins, and some of the parasites have been
studied in relation to breastmilk.  Do either the organisms or its toxin(s)
pass into breastmilk?  If so, what happens then?  Sometimes this has been
studied in vivo, sometimes in vitro.

We need to pull in someone with expertise in food-borne illness and someone
with expertise in breastmilk immunology and have them hash this one out.


Arly Helm, (Nutritionist) Lactation Consultant  e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Roger A. Burger         E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Research Immunologist
Center for Persons with Disabilities
Utah State University
Logan, UT  84322-6800
Voice: 801-797-2042
FAX:  801-797-2044