I had a mom call me with a question that I can't find the answer
to in the resources I have.
She has a 2+ yo that nurses at least 5-6 times/day.  Mom is newly
pregnant. No problem, right?  Mom went on to say she had 2 mis-
carriages (6 wks & 3 mos) before becoming pregnant (with help of
clomid) with this child.  She was given progesterone through the
first trimester to help carry the pregnancy and was able to carry
to term.  In LLL BF Answer Book it says that one reason one might
consider weaning is a history of miscarriage.  Is she more at
risk if she continues nursing?  She doesn't want to tandem nurse
so is open to weaning, but doesn't think daughter in normal
circumstances would like stopping "cold turkey".  What info can
I give her?
Pat Bucknell, IBCLC
pvt. practice in Avon Lake, OH
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