Forwarded message:
Subj:    New Memeber
Date:    95-11-05 16:29:16 EST
From:    Ammcdb
To:      [log in to unmask]

Hi All!

My name is Anne McDermott.  I am a labor assistant (doula) and beginning in
the spring, a nursing student working towards becoming a CNM.  I am also an
active La Leche League Leader-Applicant.

One of the most exciting things that I've done this past year is co-found an
organization called Conecticut Women for a Birth Center (CWABC).  It's
purpose is to help two CNM'S here get a birth center going in CT, where there
is none.  Currently, if you desire a birth center-birth and you live in CT,
you must travel to NY or MA.

If there is anyone out there from the CT are who would like a copy of our
petition, please E-mail me at [log in to unmask]

Looking forward to learning lots of new info on bf (as you all seem to refer
to breastfeeding)!