I would like to add some comments on this. I have noticed a few posts
regarding bfing before surgery and what is considered a clear liquid,
etc. Note that I am not a medical person, "just" a mom with first-hand
experience in this area.
My 2nd child,Noah, had to have surgery at age 8 days for a very rare
congenital defect which involved his small intestine.I took us until age
7 days to figure out what was causing a yellowish, seedy, discharge from
his umbilical stump.(does that description sound familiar?) yes, it was
breast milk poop. needless to say he was put into surgery ASAP .
Anyway, this was one of those unusual situations where he really COULD
NOT nurse anywhere close to the time of surgery, seeing as how part of
his digestive system was being operated on. He did not have ANYTHING
orally from about 3 pm on Wed.,last time I nursed him, until Sat. eve,
when he had an oz. of pedialyte .(surgery was about 8am on the
Thurs.)Once it was confirmed that his bowels were operating normally, I
could nurse him ad lib.

I just wanted to tell my little story so that you all are aware that
there may be a situation where a baby really cannot nurse too close to
surgery. here the fear was not possible aspiration;obviously you don't
want to operate on intestine that may still have contents.
I am certainly all for a mom nursing her babe as close as she possible
can to time of surgery.
By the way, if anyone is interested in hearing more details about this
defect he had, I'll be happy to discuss-privately e-mail me. It is not
something you're likely to run into, it sure got the attention of the
docs, residents, med students, who were photographing his navel ,etc.!

Ellen Vegh,LLLL