Although the technical info is beyond me this one really looks
interesting:  "Human milk may contain components of HIV but it also
contains factors such as the glycosminoglycan chondroitin sulfate which
inhibits the binding process.  It is of interest to note that
other body fluids such as saliva also contain HIV nucleic acids but
are generally not considered important vehicles of HIV transmission due to
the presence of similar inhibatory molecules.  The authors suggest
several other research focuses and recommend continued careful
evaluation of HIV transmission from mother to infant via human milk
in light of their results."

Human milk glycosminoglycans inhibit HIV glycoprotein gp120 binding to
its host cell CD4 receptor
by D.S. Newburg, R.J. Linhardt, S.A. Ampufo and R.H. Yolken
J Nutr 1995; 125: 419-24.

Sarah Friend Barnett, M.A., LLL leader, IBCLC
Bronx (New York City), NY
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