I got a call from a  mom of a 4 mo. old totally breastfed who up until now
was doing excellent.  (I did a home visit when the baby was newborn and
taught proper latch, etc.)  Weight gains have been excellent and mom returned
to work about a month ago or so and was pumping (G-----r Pump), and leaving
bottles of pumped milk for baby who took usually 4-6 oz. average during the 4
hrs. mother was away.  Now she calls to tell me that she is no longer able to
pump very much at all and doesn't have a supply to leave for the baby and is
about to buy abm (soy) at MD. suggestion (although it was the MD. who
suggested she call me first - Halleluyah).  I went through the usual, how to
increase your milk supply stuff, such as nursing  more often when at home,
making pumping associated with warm fuzzy stuff,  like baby blanket, massage,
pleasant thoughts about baby, instead of "You better do this, king of
pressure).  She says she doesn't feel as full and her bras do seem looser.
 She also just got her period back (any connection?).  I suggested that maybe
her body is beginning to change to it's prepregnancy condition (even though
she is still making milk), perhaps the pump no longer fits her the same and
therefore is not as effective for her, and to perhaps try either a different
flange or another type of pump.  I'd appreciate any input anyone may have.