It is so sad to hear about the teaching (and learning!) conditions in some
areas.  I commend you for doing such an important job under such difficult

In my daughter's school they have a series in the spring called Family Life.
 It is geared to the age group of the students being taught.  It teaches kids
about being safe, abuse, different kinds of families and in the older grades
it includes sex education.  I can't comment on the content for the middle and
high schools but my oldest daughter (now in 3rd grade) was exposed to
breastfeeding in this series.  It was presented in the form of how mothers,
including human ones, care for their children.  It wasn't dwelled on but the
idea was introduced.  Also in her science class this year they studied
mammals.  When mentioning that mammals nurse their offsprings, a mother and
child were included in the slides they saw.  At least it's planting a seed.

Diane Karnbach, LLLL