
I am not aware that any service rendered to an inpatient is announced with a
"warning this is going to cost you depending on how fast you learn".

For outpatients, we send a letter out that details our "per hour" charge.
 That way,  those who take longer have to pay.  I am uncomfortable with "flat
rate" charges, because I seem to run into so many people who are difficult to
get information from or have trouble learning. (Dietitians have the job
hazard of having to ask people what they ate.  Many reply with the RECIPE,
not the answer!  Geesh...  And, of course, we all know that it is what is NOT
said that is the real meat of the problem!)

Arly, I would check with PT, OT and the nutrition services department and
pattern yourself after them.  Another option is to tell people about the BF
services in the hospital during the prenatal classes.  That way, they are
prepared "up front".  Maybe your boss would like to make up a descriptive
brochure about your services.

Good Luck!