I had a mom (nursing 5 month old) call today to say that she had been
nauseated with some vomiting & diarrhea for a week.  She has taken Immodium
(I hope I can name names here), but stated that it seemed to make her more
nauseated and did not stop the diarrhea.  Her doctor's office staff
recommended that she try Pepto-Bismol, so she called me to ask if it's
compatible with nursing.  My first response was "yes,"  but I told her that I
would check and get back with her.  I called our handy pregnancy risk
line/breastfeeding folks and was told that theoretically, bismol is similar
to aspirin.  So... "in theory" there may be a concern with Reyes syndrome.  I
was informed that while there probably would be no problem, it was perhaps
not wise to recommend Pepto-Bismol.  Any comments from our pharmacists on
this?  I was surprized!

Janet Radford Bergeson, RN,MS,IBCLC