You are right. In fact, it is the low estrogen levels that are
responsible for the vaginal dryness that many women experience during
lactation! And it is the surges of estrogen over many cycles that
probably contributes to these cancers! The only concern that I can agree
with is trying to monitor a lumpy lactational breast; however, frequent
checks, especially after a thorough breastfeeding session, should be
helpful towards diminishing this concern. Also, the mother should be
counseled as to what kinds of lumps to be concerned about: plugged ducts
and benign lumps tend to be round, symmetrical, and to move with touch;
cancerous lumps are usually assymetrical and more "rooted" in postion,
not giving to the touch. The "damage" of exposing the breast to estrogen
was already done during pregnancy; IMHO, mom should be left alone!

Lisa Marasco, BA, LLLL, IBCLC
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