I have just been speaking to a 6 months pregnant mum-to-be (first baby) who
is experiencing severe blanching and pain in her nipples, especially when
cold. I know there was a lot of discussion a short while ago about
Raynaud's of the nipple, vasospasm, etc. and some said that they had never
seen this in someone who was not breastfeeding. Well, this one is not
breastfeeding, but since she is pregnant, could her hormones be affecting
it (someone suggested oestrogen is involved, I think)? The poor thing had
been fobbed off as a bit crazy by her MD who had never heard of this, and
suggested she call NMAA!! Her hubby is sick of hearing her complain, and
she is at her wits end, and worried about how she will go after the baby
comes. BTW her MD also advised her to start "toughening up" her nipples
(you know, the rough towels, etc) to prepare for breastfeeding, and the
thought of this gave her the horrors (not surprisingly).  :-@

Anyway, I suggested she go and see Fiona for a medical opinion from someone
a teensy bit more knowledgeable about breastfeeding than her own doc.
Sorry, Fiona, for sending you all the "interesting" ones.  ;-\

Joy Anderson IBCLC, NMAA Breastfeeding Counsellor
Perth, Western Australia
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