I am a LLL Leader in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada and have been lurking for past
six weeks. This is the first time I've sent anything and I'm also almost
compu/illiterate.  Please don't be too hard on me!  I am sending this on behalf
of a co-Leader here in Kitchener.  Yes there are a few of us on Lactnet up in
the Great  White North!

I have a woman who is the mother of a 13 month old and has never experienced
pain free nursing.  It has recently become almost unbearable and neither she nor
the baby are willing to wean.  Symptoms resemble thrush: deep breast pain, red
flakey nipples, sore before, during and after feeds.  No evidence of thrush in
baby's mouth.  Doctor will not prescribe treatment for baby and treating mother
alone has not improved situation.  Mother has tried Gentian Violet, nilstat,
loporox, purelan, lansinoh and vitamin E on occasion with  no visible
improvement.  Gentian Violet  (purple nipples !)frightened baby  and seemed to
worsen pain. Mother wonders  if solution and application was correct or is she
sensitive or allergic(1% in water)  Mother found some impovement with loporox
but Dr. unwilling to  prescribe ( gave samples only ) Breastfeeding support
services at local hospital diagnosed improper latch and recommended weaning
however we feel that that baby would not have thrived for 13 months had she
never latched on properly.  Tip of nipple is often blanched after feedings .
Mother has recently noticed  bleeding from R nipple during a particularly
painful feed.  We have tried ice on nipple for pain,careful positioning and
suggestions from Breastfeeding Answer Book, Brewster, Maureen Minchen, Overview
of sucking  solutions,  trying to reach Dr. Jack Newman  in Toronto .  We are
tapped out.  Any suggestions, information or help would be greatly appreciated.
This Mom deserves a positive nursing experience!

Feel free to respond via private email to [log in to unmask]

Lenore Holderness and Liz Goldsworthy LLL Leaders and mothers of 5 beautiful
breastfed babies!