Hi everyone
Marie Davis asked for a medline search about an article.
Thanks to my husband, the best scientific literature
searcher,I can now provide the full reference.
(BTW it was not yet on Medline)

Suppression of Hypothalmic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
Responses to Stress in Lactating Women.
  Margaret Altemus, Patricia A. Deuster, Elise Galliven,
  C. Sue Carter and Philip Gold.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
Volume 80, no, 10, 2954 - 2959, (1995).

It is a carefully done study whose "results indicate that
stress -responsive neurohormonal systems are restrained
in lactating women."  The stressor was exercise.

Sarah Friend Barnett, M.A., LLL leader, IBCLC
Bronx (New York City), NY
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