If you can stand one more chicken pox story, here goes. Last spring when I
was 37 weeks pregnant with my third son, my oldest son (4 3/4 years) got
chicken pox. I was panicked, because my middle son (2 1/2 years, weaned)
hadn't had them either. It was all I could do to hope and pray the baby
WOULDN'T come early and be exposed to them both! I was counting the days
until I knew my middle one actually had them; he broke out on day 11. "My"
very knowledgable LC nearby (Linda Shrago) comforted me by reminding me just
how unlikely it would be for baby to get them (I'd had them as a child), but
I was still worried. I just didn't want the big brothers to be confined at
home when I was at the hospital. I planned a very short hospital stay,
assuming my 2nd VBAC went well.

Happy ending, fortunately. The boys were all better the week I was due. And
baby #3 came at 41 weeks, just as his two brothers had done. (Yes, my 2nd
VBAC. Funny, he was 9 1/2 pounds; bigger than my first "CPD" baby....But
that's another story.) I was relieved when that baby got here....NOTHING
could be as crazy as that previous month had been! Ahhhhhh, prolactin!

Thanks for letting me share.
JoAnn, LLL Leader in OKC
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