If any of you are wondering why you haven't gotten a response to an e-mail
you may have sent me it is because I've been having some computer problems.

It all started when I received a message in my mailbox that I was out of
disk space.  Now you'd think with a 340 Megabyte hard drive that I could
spare a few megs...
I guess I'm a packrat with the computer too.  First step to clean up my
mailbox.  My newest method (I'd be interested in what you all do with this
problem). I read the Lactnet digest, copy notes of interest to a word
processing document, broken down into subjects, then throw away the note.  I
just spent the last 3 hours going through Lactnet notes from the past 4
days...  My next step is to do something about my fax program.  I found out
that I have over 45 megs of faxes stored in there from the past year. Gak!!!
And another 45-50 megs of legal research in my Lexis program...

Hopefully I'll figure all this out by next week.  I have a Colorado backup
system. Anyone have any ideas that work for them????

Anyway, I have now cleaned up enough space to download another 25
messages... I guess I will have a busy Sunday!!

Fear not, your e-mail will be answered soon!!
Elizabeth N. Baldwin,  Esq.   305-944-9100  Home office:  305-940-7873  Fax:
E-mail:  [log in to unmask]    or    [log in to unmask]
Attorney specializing in breastfeeding and the law; Leader; LLLI Legal
Advisory Council